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What, Why and Getting Involved

What Is Binkys Trust:-

This trust has been set up, to raise funds to help less fortunate animals and to also recognise exceptional Veterinary Staff. Whilst we are starting out, we are supporting

Priory Vets Reigate -


Pet Blood Bank -


However, as we build our funds, we want to extend this to other Veterinary Practices and make a little difference in the animal world.


Why Binkys Trust:-

Binky is a Labradoodle, who turned 14 on 08/07/21

From the day Binky was born he has changed life entirely. Through love, devotion, loyalty and adoration. The one phrase that comes to mind, when others speak of Binky is

“I want to be reincarnated as Binky”

As a way of trying to prepare and cope with the inevitable.

(sadly Binky passed over to Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday 07/09/21)

Binkys Trust has been set up as a way to keep his memory alive and for him to continue supporting others not as blessed as he has been.

Binky has raised almost £5k through different charity events, including sponsored walks, swimming, fancy dress, quiz nights, fashion show (clothes for humans), sponsoring a Dogs Trust Dog and most recently joining the surrogate parents of the Miracle 5 Cheetah’s (After their mother did not return to her den, the survival of the cubs became a race against time. Cubs can only survive 24-48 hours without dehydrating and dying.) Via the Kevin Richardson Foundation

Binky was a Pets as Therapy Dog and was a regular visitor at Romsey Hospital and Fryer House - Leonard Cheshire. Binky was also a regular Blood Donor for Pet Blood Bank,

(just 1 donation = 1 pint which can save up to 4 dogs).

Sadly, Binky had to retire a few years ago from both visiting and donating blood due to age and health.


Want to get involved?

Any donations will always be greatly received.

We have a direct link to Binkys Trust PayPal above




08/07/2007  to  07/09/2021

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